The retreat was really a beautiful experience in Samso, thanks very much again for
organizing it and providing us with all the yoga classes, discussions (and also the
amazing location and the food -and weather haha :))
I really hope to be able to join later at some point. In August I will be out of the country
but later in the year perhaps.
Many thanks again and see you soon!

20th-23rd of June 2024
Summer invites us to ease into a slower pace, detach from daily routines, and commune with Mother Nature. It’s an opportune moment to undergo a deep inner healing through self-reflection, setting intentions, and manifesting dreams.
Join us for a transformative yoga retreat in Samsø—a sanctuary where you can truly unfold and let go of whatever no longer serves you. We’ll devote our weekend to planting the seeds of empowerment, embracing nature, fostering community, and indulging in ultimate relaxation! Seeking ease and balance in the gentle Stråla flows, we’ll forge profound connections—with your heart and the hearts of those around you. Consider it a precious gift to your soul.
Meals prepared by a Michelin Star chef.
A session of healing massage.
Intimate, small group setting.
Meals prepared by a Michelin Star chef.
Intimate, small group setting.
Meals prepared by a Michelin Star chef.
A session of healing massage.
Intimate, small group setting.
Meals prepared by a Michelin Star chef.
Intimate, small group setting.
Surroundings of vibrant nature’s bloom.
Introduction to permaculture.
Mindfulness meditation practice.
Surroundings of vibrant nature’s bloom.
Introduction to permaculture.
meditation practice.
Enhance your stay with a healing massage
A professional masseuse will be available on-site, throughout our retreat, providing personalized relaxing sessions. To reserve a massage session, please speak with the masseuse upon arrival. She will be happy to discuss your preferences and schedule a time.
Please note: Massage services are not included in the retreat package and will require an additional fee.
Book your ticket
Prefer to take small steps?
Reach out to or contact Moseholm Yoga via our contact form and let’s discuss a personalized installments plan.
For an enhanced experience, we recommend bringing your bike with you to the retreat. Previous participants have cherished the opportunity to connect with nature by exploring the island during the most beautiful season of the year.
June 20th-23rd 2024
Day 1
12:00 – Arrival and check–in at Inspiratoriet
12:30 – Welcome & Intro to the weekend
13:00 – Light lunch
15:30 – Tea/coffee and snack
17:00 – Gentle Afternoon Yoga (1 hour 15 min)
19:00 – Dinner
21:00 – Meditation (30 min)
21:30 – Evening tea
Day 2
6:30 – Tea/coffee and snack available in the dining area
7:00 – Morning Meditation and Yoga practice (1 hour 30 min)
8:45 – Breakfast
Free time to explore the nature, walk to the beach, read a book, relax…
13:00 – Lunch
14.00 – Optional intro to Permaculture part I (1 hour 30 min)
15:30 – Afternoon tea/coffee and snack available in the dining area
– Silent hours in the common areas (2 hour)
Free time to explore the nature, walk to the beach, read a book, relax…
17:30 – Gentle Afternoon Yoga (1 hour 15 min)
19:00 – Dinner
21:00 – Meditation (30 min)
21:30 – Evening tea
Day 3
6:30 – Tea/coffee and snack available in the dining area
7:00 – Morning Meditation and Yoga practice (1 hour 30 min)
8:45 – Breakfast
Free time to explore the nature, walk to the beach, read a book, relax…
11:30 – Optional intro to Permaculture part II (1 hour 30 min)
13:00 – Lunch
15:30 – Afternoon tea/coffee and snack available in the dining area
– Silent hours in the common areas (2 hours)
Free time to explore the nature, walk to the beach, read a book, relax…
17:30 – Gentle Afternoon Yoga (1 hour 15 min)
19:00 – Dinner
21:00 – Meditation (30 min)
21:30 – Evening tea
Day 4
6:30 – Tea/coffee and snack available in the dining area
7:00 – Morning Meditation and Yoga practice (1 hour 30 min)
8:45 – Breakfast
10:00 – Free time (1 hour 30 mins)
11:30 – Meditation and round-up on the weekend (1 hour 15 min)
12:45 – Lunchpack to go and check out
Namaste and see you next time…
*Small changes to the program might occur
We provide
Bed covers and sheets
One shower towel and one hand towel
Blankets and meditation pillows
Tea & Coffee
3 breakfast, 3 lunch and 3 dinners
Yoga mats available
Please be aware that we don not provide a cancelation insurance. However, if you buy your spot with a Master Card you might have insurance included. Please check with your bank.
A place to feel inspired
Inspiratoriet is located 9 km from the ferry at Ballen Færgehavn and 15min walk/5min bike ride from both a sand beach and a stone beach.
We recommend bringing your own bike and enjoy the beautiful bike ride through the peaceful landscape of Samsø.
How to get there
If you are travelling from Aarhus, you can take direct ferry to Samsø.
From Copenhagen, you have to take a train to Kalundborg. Next, change to the ferry – the harbor is located right across the train station.
After you arrive on the island, you have an option to rent a bike, or get on a bus that will drive you to Inpiratoriet.
To make sure that ferry tickets are available, we recommend that you buy it at the same time as buying the retreat ticket.
Book your ticket
Prefer to take small steps?
Reach out to or contact Moseholm Yoga via our contact form and let’s discuss a personalized installments plan.
It was the perfect getway from the daily day life: a well balanced combination of yoga, delicious food, socializing with friendly new people and alone time.
Dear Lisbeth,
First of all - thank, thank, THANK you for an amazing yoga weekend at Samsø. I had an absolutely wonderful time in your and the other beautiful women's company.
Arriving to Samsøe in full sunshine was magical and I instantly felt calm and relaxed in the best way when arriving to Inspiratoriet - there was just something about that place that felt like a home away from home.
That feeling is also thanks to your amazing ability to welcome everyone with open arms and an open heart. So, thanks to you for making us all feel welcome and for being warm, positive and so generous with your presence.
I also want to thank you for being such a wonderful and talented yoga teacher. It was absolutely amazing to do yoga with you - you have an exceptional way of leading and guiding your class with positive energy, spaciousness and professional competency. I felt so alive during your sessions and I would recommend everyone to join your classes and retreats.
What really stood out for me at this weekend as well, was the special bond that immediately developed between all the participants. Most of us did not know each other in advance but very fast we were having some very deep and rewarding conversations - something that really made a big impression on me. It felt like we had known each other for years, like a strong and special sisterhood - it was amazing.
And I have to say after a year of restrictions and lockdown it felt absolutely wonderful to do yoga with other dedicated yogies again and with a talented teacher in front. I went home with so much gratitude in my heart and with a body filled up with new and refreshing energy. I will definitely come back for more.
The perfekt settings for a wonderful yoga experience, full of bliss and tranquility.
The program suitet me. Time for yoga. Time for meditation. Time to explore naturen, the
delicious and powerful food, the ocean, the beautiful and inspiring garden at
Inspiratoriet and the Island.
At the end of the yoga retreat I felt balance, powerful, revitalized and full of positiv
energy. I found back to a good place to be, in me.
Also I feel blessed to share this amazing experience with the most wonderful people.
This is my first yoga retreat, with Moseholm yoga. I hope it is going to be one of many🙏
Helheden er bare 10 ud af 6 hjerter 😅😛🥰 TAK. TAK. GRAZIE. TAK! 🙏🙏🙏 Af en eller anden grund har jeg bare ikke andet en positiv og opbyggende energi med fra Samsø. Og det skyldes self mange ting 🤩🤓
Din evne til at facilitere et forløb fra fredag til søndag føltedes så naturligt - og jeg følte mig så tryg ved at lade mig guide 😍 For mig, var der ingen tvivl om, at du var lederen/værten/underviseren, for alle kiggede bare på dig, når der skulle ske noget, og det var uden, at du behøvede at ”kalde” til opmærksomhed. DET, tror jeg, kræver nogle helt særlige evner – og det kommer naturligvis ikke af sig selv, men fostres af tillid. Og der havde du bare hele gruppen ✌💕💕
Noget, som virkede særligt godt for mig, var en meget afbalanceret weekend med perfekt mængde program og ”egen-tid”. Optimalt okation, optimal forplejning, optimal gruppestørrelse. Og så er DU, ud over dit suveræne retreat, i din egen person kilde til det skønneste bevægelsesfulde yoga og en kæmpe inspiration, som den du er.
Jeg vil særligt gerne anerkende dig – jeg kan mærke din store skabertrang og drivkraft. Det er der så meget power i - på din helt egen, særlige gode måde. Som du sagde om alle dine goodie-bag providers, så tænkte jeg; men det er jo det Lisbeth også gør - “så gør hun det bare og så går hun hele vejen”. Og du står i det, som om du aldrig har gjort andet! 🙆♀️💕💕👊👊 det er så cool.
Det virker jo nærmest utroværdigt med udelukkende ros, så jeg håber du ved, at jeg virkelig mener det. Som den måske-pizza/pita jeg er, lægger kritikken ellers nemt for mig 😉😉👼😅
Jeg tog fra Samsø med meget mere håb og tro - og jeg vil så gerne igen. Jeg kan desværre ikke der i august, men er frisk på et tidligt efterårs-retreat. 🍂🍄💕
Weekenden på Samsø med dig og resten af teamet sidder stadig i mig, nu efter nogle uger, på en helt fantastisk varm og beroligende måde.
Det var en oplevelse, som jeg vil huske tilbage på med smil, ro og selvkærlighed - Jeg fik en følelse i den weekend, som jeg ikke har oplevet før. En følelse af indre ro og taknemmelighed. Jeg takker mig selv for, at jeg gjorde det for mig selv.
Helt fra start til slut, følte jeg mig forkælet og behandlet med respekt, kærlighed og nysgerrighed.
At starte med at blive modtaget med smil og velkomst goodieback i de fineste omgivelser, fik mig til at slappe af fra første minut.
Programmet var efter min smag en perfekt kombination af yoga, lækker mad, stilletid, meditation og fritid. Jeg har svært ved at sætte en finger på noget, da alt faldt i god jord.
Jeg kunne rigtig godt lide følelsen af, at der ikke var noget, som jeg skulle - Men at jeg selv kunne vælge fra og til.
Så synes jeg også, at der var noget magisk med dynamikken i gruppen - Om det har været heldigt at personerne bare har klikket eller det var antallet, omgivelser e eller hvad det var, har jeg svært ved at finde ud af. Eller en god blanding. Jeg tog fra Samsø med et indre smil og velvære i hele kroppen.
Jeg vil rigtig gerne deltage igen, og jeg synes idéen om en massør ville bare være en bonus oveni.