Stråla Yoga & Gaga Event – Yoga at Absalon

Join us when we combine Stråla Yoga and Gaga Dance for an evening of movement and expression in Absalon’s main hall.
We’ll start with a Stråla Yoga session guided by Lisbeth Moseholm, with focus on a profound breath-body connection, and mindfull awareness. Later we dive into spontaneity and dynamic movement with Gaga dance guided by Kari Vig.

More info and tickets at Absalon’s website.

Find the Guides on Instagram:

Learn more about Stråla Yoga.

Make a move, not a pose! – Stråla Yoga workshop at Aya House

This event will be in Danish.

Oplev en inspirerende workshop med Lisbeth Moseholm (@moseholmyoga), der dykker ned i Stråla Yoga, og guider dig gennem de 11 principper for naturlig bevægelse, som Stråla Yoga er baseret på. Inspireret af Tai Chi og Qigong adskiller Stråla Yoga sig fra andre yogastilarter ved i højere grad at prioritere processen af bevægelse frem for endelige yoga-stillinger udført på en bestemt måde.

Når bevægelsen, og ikke stillingen, er målet, fjernes fokus på præstation og behovet for at evaluere sig selv som ikke smidig nok, ikke stærk nok eller så fremdeles.

I denne workshop vil vi med udgangspunkt i de 11 principper bevæge os igennem kendte yoga stillinger, men med stor nysgerrighed og fokus på alt det der sker imellem yoga stillingerne.

Med netop bevægelses processen i fokus lægger vi vægt på at skabe dyb opmærksomhed på, hvad der sker i kroppen, og hvordan vi kan reagere på en måde, der bringer os tættere på balance og velvære.

Vi vil bruge åndedrættet som guide, og hermed bevæge os med større frihed og lethed, selv i mere styrke- eller udholdenheds krævende bevægelser. Og lade dette være en inspiration ud i livet generelt.

Lad os sammen udforske glæden ved at bevæge os med lethed og omfavne en praksis, der hylder opmærksom bevægelse med plads til det individuelle.

Book din plads.

Yoga with Baby – Yoga at Absalon

An hour yoga class that you can dedicate to your body and your baby. We do relaxing stretches, strengthening exercises, and positions that ease the nervous system. There will be a combination of calm and dynamic elements in the class. It will surely be pampering for your body and playful for your baby.

Buy your ticket at Absalon’s website – here.

Learn more about Straala yoga.

Company yoga workshops Moseholm Yoga

Sunday Yoga at Absalon – Chill Class

Every Sunday we’ve got two yoga classes in Absalon.

The first one is dynamic and the second one more relaxing. Come as you are, with your hangover or fresh ambitions – everyone can join regardless of their yoga experience.

From 9:30 – 10:45, there is a fresh flow class where we begin with a warm-up following some dynamic flows that make you break a sweat, and finish with relaxing stretches.

From 11:00 – 12:15, we’ve got a chill class where we stay at a slow tempo. You might feel the heat in the standing positions or the sun salutations, but the main focus is on deep stretches and controlled breathing.

Feel free to join both classes.

We look forward to starting off our Sunday with you!

Place: ‘Klubben’ at 1st floor
Please bring your own mat.

Buy your ticket at Absalon’s website.

A photo of Strala Yoga class

Sunday Yoga at Absalon – Fresh Flow

Every Sunday we’ve got two yoga classes in Absalon.

The first one is dynamic and the second one more relaxing. Come as you are, with your hangover or fresh ambitions – everyone can join regardless of their yoga experience.

From 9:30 – 10:45, there is a fresh flow class where we begin with a warm-up following some dynamic flows that make you break a sweat, and finish with relaxing stretches.

From 11:00 – 12:15, we’ve got a chill class where we stay at a slow tempo. You might feel the heat in the standing positions or the sun salutations, but the main focus is on deep stretches and controlled breathing.

Feel free to join both classes.

We look forward to starting off our Sunday with you!

Place: ‘Klubben’ at 1st floor
Please bring your own mat.

Buy your ticket at Absalon’s website.